Wednesday, April 2, 2008

All Fired Up Bachelor Auction Raises Thousands

The Bachelor

The "It it has gone impressive, " it has said. The "People it was therefore generous. Even if it has caused a dustup the understood one it of the county of the , lultima auction of fireman of Wednesdays has raised the moneies many for lorganizzazione. From the 18 participants nobody has gone in order more less than $100.. Line was one towards lesterno the hatch. A lot has been made an impression with like has turned out." Even if it was a "bachelor" lasta, the person who has obtained lpi high offer was the participant only of the woman of events. has received unofferta of vincita of $750. So as to it was packed. Lintero event rastrellato in $6.700, as an example , the director dellintroduzione on the market for the bar of and , that they have accommodated levento.

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